Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Blog Post 8: Conclusion

Part One:
          Nutrition has changed greatly over the past 100 years. Everyone used to eat meals made at home from their own gardens and farms or even locally but now everything is processed and you cook it or you eat out. Fast food has become such a phenomenon and normality that people think it will be a little better if they go for grilled chicken instead of fried at the drive through. Because getting the fast option of food is so much easier the people are gravitating towards that instead of making food at home.
          If more people were to actually stop and look at what they are doing to their health they should want to change it. Especially with tools like the Mediterranean Diet and MyPlate where they can actually see how much nutrients they are getting and whether they are having too much or too little. It visually tells you what you did and didn't miss from your diet that day. The more positive thing about a healthier diet is that you will have less health risks and that means you can live longer and enjoy life more. So why not try to be healthier! We have the chance to change.

Part Two:
          This blog did help me start a better diet. Because of the assignments I've been seeing what would be appropriate to show good nutrition and it made me actually change the way I think when I see the food options in front of me. I choose the healthier option which includes less fried foods, more fruits and vegetables, and also more whole grains. If I keep making small changes as I go along I can have an extremely healthy diet. At the rate I'm going, it's going to happen pretty soon. If it weren't for the blogs I wouldn't have noticed how unhealthy I was being! It's a good thing too. This blog has changed almost all of my eating habits.

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