Saturday, November 29, 2014

Blog Post 5: My Alternative Diet

My New Diet

Based from my diet analysis, I feel the easiest way to change my diet is off of I will follow their serving sizes of each food group and also limit myself on the amount of saturated fats and sugary drinks. The diet will help me add more variety and healthy choices to my diet. I will make half my plate fruits and vegetables (which it was about a quarter before).  Also, less grains and the amount of protein I have is good. I can choose leaner meats for my proteins though and limit the amount of red meats and eat weekly. I can also increase my dairy with more yogurt and milk. Eating with my friends and family will make it better as well.

How I Plan on Making My Changes

My analysis shows most that I need to reduce my saturated fats and sugar intake. So I will do that by staying away from fried foods and sugary drinks as much as possible. I will also increase my intake of whole grains instead of refined grains. I can also increase the amount of fruits and vegetables. I can increase my vitamin D and calcium by drinking the fortified orange juice and milk.


By adding more vegetables and fruits, while also limiting my saturated fats and sugary drinks I can see myself getting ten times healthier. I will reduce the risk of heart problems and diabetes that run in my family by these changes.

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