Sunday, September 28, 2014

My 2-Day Diet.....

Day One

An egg white omelet with cheese and bacon
 with a bowl of cocoa krispies with skim milk.

 The recording of my diet started off with an omelet and cereal. It would've been healthier but I was so tempted by the cocoa krispies. This was my busy day. Between classes, work, and clubs I was always doing something from 10:45 AM until 10:30 PM! Talk about crazy. But I honestly think that this meal made the start to my day more refreshing and energized instead of causing me to be tired throughout my day. 

Roasted chicken with mashed potatoes and a tossed
salad with caesar dressing and a cup of fruit punch.

 Lunch was just absolutely delicious.
I believe it was relatively healthy.
Between my small break this was a 
nice meal to give me some energy.
The food in the cafe wasn't bad at all
for lunch today.

 Stir-fry noodles with beef and string beans
 with a cup of orange-passion fruit juice.

My dinner was at the cafe again because I'm doing my

best to avoid food from the pub. These noodles were 
amazing. It was one of the best meals I've
encountered so far. I also love string beans so it
was a plus. I didn't finish the beef because it was 
dry but everything else was good. But, I did
start to notice that I had a lack of fruit and water.

Day Two

A ham sandwich with cheddar cheese and
 lettuce with a cup of brisk iced tea.

Dinner wasn't that tasty but I appreciated
the vegetables because I also love corn.
By the end of these two days I started
to realize that I really do lack important
nutrients and foods. I need to seriously
increase my intake of water and fruits.
It would definitely help establish a more
balanced diet.

Well today didn't start out well. I ended up skipping breakfast. My class started at 9:20 AM and didn't have time to eat until lunch. But when I got to lunch I wasn't too hungry. I ate a sandwich and had a cup of juice. I kept it really simple but still noticed I had no fruit.

Rice with mixed vegetables and chicken
 with a cup of brisk iced tea.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim- Great blog post- I think you did a good job of capturing the meals- please go back and check your spelling in a few minor areas, but otherwise it looks good. I typically prefer you to list quantities at this point, however you accomplished blog post 3 so I think it is okay. Finally, when thinking of blog post 4 please pay attention to the amount of sugar added beverages you are consuming- it is a relevant food item to discuss.
