Sunday, September 28, 2014

Diet Analysis

My Diet Analysis
This is my average from both days on my 2 day blog. Overall I did well with calorie intake but I was very low in Vitamin D, Potassium, Fiber, and Water. I've had issues with Vitamin D so I expected that to be low as well as water because I didn't drink enough throughout the day. Now, that I can actually see how much I'm consuming and what nutrients I am getting I can more modify and see what I'm eating and how it will more affect me.

This is the full comparison from the 2 days I recorded my diet. According to the bar graph, the only thing that was more in the second day than the first was that I had more grains. I consumed no fruit at all which is totally awful. I also got only 1% Vitamin D on the second day and I really need to pay attention to that. But, since this I have started eating way more fruit salad and have fully switched to wheat bread. I have also begun drinking more water and noticing more portion control. This diet analysis tool really helped me realize what I eat and how it effects me. I can not see how much nutrients and fats and vitamins I am consuming. I am so much more aware of what I'm eating. A great start to a healthy journey.

1 comment:

  1. Good job on the data. I think your issue with milk/ water and vitamin D is another noteworthy issue to discuss in blog post 4. Also, in regards to my last comment, also check out how low your dietary fiber is. Again, this is in part due to calories being gained from sugar added beverages. Please start working on blog post 4- it is due in just a few days!
