Sunday, October 19, 2014

Diet Analysis Part 2

Four Things I Want to Change About My Diet


Sugar Loaded Drinks: This is the most unhealthy part of my diet. I can't lie. I love juice. But, I just need to learn how to drink it in moderation. First of all, it's too much sugar to begin with. And second it doesn't do much to keep my hydrated. It's a lot of added sugar and the only thing it can do for me in the long run is give me diabetes. It would be wise for me to just cut down the intake of these sugary drinks.

The Amount of Vitamin D: It's really hard for me to get vitamin D. One, because I'm darker so it's hard to get vitamins D from the sun and two, because I never really had known how to get it from foods. I could eat more fatty fish and fortified milk and cereal which could also increase my fiber intake as well as my calcium. It got so bad that my doctor put me on a vitamin D supplement for about 3 months. This is definitely something I need to watch.

Water and Milk Intake: These two are so important and it's missing almost completely. And believe me I learned my lesson. I went to the doctor and they had to draw blood out of my hand because I didn't have enough water in my system. Also, not having calcium is going to lead to me getting osteoporosis and then I'm going to get knee and ankle pains. I don't want that to happen. So, to stop it and get healthier I need to increase my water intake by about 500% and my milk and calcium by 200%. But, so far I've been drinking more milk and trying to add water as much as I can by substituting my juice at lunch for the fruit infused water in the cafeteria. Especially with water because that's the most important thing a person needs to survive.

Fruit Intake: In my diet analysis, there was actually nothing at all in the fruit section. It was very disappointing. I love fruit, just not the Mville fruit salad. So, I try to stick to the apples and oranges. I just need the intake of fruits to actually start happening daily. It would make such a difference on the amount of vitamins I get and would make my life so much healthier.

Three Things I Like About My Diet

Portion: As in my 2 day diet, I was doing pretty well with the portions. Sometimes though, it was very difficult to keep it like that. If I were to be more consistent with it, it would be so much easier to not overeat. Especially in the cafeteria. With so much options it's hard not to resist temptation. Also, sometimes things don't taste as good as they look and then you go in search for something else, which could also lead to overeating because of all the different options. But since the 2 day diet and my analysis for it, I've noticed how much I consume and how to really control my portions because of the total amount of daily calories the diet analysis tool gave me.

Healthier Choices: After seeing the amount of vitamins I receive in the intake section of the diet analysis tool, I notice how much more I actually need. I had thought I was getting enough but I wasn't. After realizing this, I decided to just eat so much more vegetables and whole grains throughout the day. I am almost always picking from the array of things from the salad bar in the cafeteria and also watching my breakfast choices much more trying to add more color and healthy things then just plain bagels and things with so much enriched white flour. My diet and food choices are getting better and better.

Being Consistent: This can't be related to my diet analysis in any way because the two days differed so greatly. But, by seeing that I decided I need some consistency in my diet. Since, I've been trying to make sure I consume the correct amount of food from each food group from MyPlate. It has been working and it's getting easier to automatically choose foods and the right amount of it. Of course every now and then I splurge and eat unhealthy but I'm starting to bounce back from those cravings more easily. I'm starting a pretty healthy routine.